Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hello Everyone!  After a long week of job interviews for me (Kate) and two job offers (yay!), we were able to relax and have some very fun times on Friday night.  Doug had poker night with the guys, and I enjoyed a fabulous ladies night with at K.C.'s home with Marisa, Meredith, Kelley, of course our host. :)  K.C. made us a fantastic multi-course Italian meal & Marisa made her famous and amazing flan,  and we enjoyed some fancy drinks (even the red ones--lol).   We  sat around and had lots of laughs--thank you for the fun evening ladies, and thank you for hosting K.C.! 

And, Doug and I were so happy to have Steve, Valerie & Liam (my brother -in-law, sister, and nephew Liam) visit us for the first time in our new home this weekend.  We had a whole lot of fun with them.  Our time included a visit to our favorite place in Middleton, "The Hubbard Street Diner", relaxing, shopping time for Valerie and I, lots of playing with Liam, "The Great Dane"  in downtown Madison, a lovely evening restaurant, homemade birthday cake for Steve, and just having fun being together with everyone.   We are so grateful for them.  They are family, but also very close friends whom we genuinely love spending time with. 
Here are some pictures from the weekend.... Enjoy! :)

Doug & Steve relaxing on our comfy furniture (yep, we are still waiting for our sectional to be delivered!)

How cute is he?!?!  Liam posing for a picture before eating.

Valerie & Steve

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