Sunday, May 18, 2008

Great Friends :)

Brooke... :)
Apparantly, this is how I look when I laugh and paint at the same time...hehe :)

This is what too much paint can do to you! Ha!

Hello Hello! The weather is warmer and we are constantly mowing our lawn,'s definitely SPRING! Yay! Lots has been happening with Doug and I here in Madison--we are loving being outside! Most recently though, my girlfriends in Madison celebrated Tracy's birthday here at "Blue Spoon" Thursday night--Happy Birthday again, Tracy! And, the next day, my very good dear friend Brooke came and visited us. Brooke was actually my R.A. in Williams Hall at Olivet Nazarene University my freshman year. Although we both grew up and lived in Decatur, IL, I actually did not know Brooke until that year. We are A LOT alike and became instant close friends or "kindred spirits" as Brooke says. I actually had my alarm clock in her room in college, so it is obvious we spent a lot of time together! Brooke even used to sneak me into our dorm when I came in after (hours after...hehe) curfew at Olivet (yes Olivet had curfews...). Good memories... :) Anyway, we had an awesome weekend, catching up, shopping, enjoying wonderful meals and just enjoying hanging out in person (instead of always talking on the phone!). Here are just a couple photos from our weekend. Yesterday evening Brooke also helped me paint our upstairs hallway (THANK YOU, BROOKE!), and as you can see by the pictures, we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit. :)~ Have a great week everyone!

"Say what you need to say....Say what you need to say....
Even if your hands are shaking.....
Even if your faith is broken....
Do it with your heart wide open...
Say what you need to say..."
-john mayer

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