Sunday, June 15, 2008

Valerie, Steve & Liam Visited!!!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and all the dads we know!!!

This weekend we LOVED spending time with Steve, Valerie & Liam!!! We had a great time going to the Madison Farmers' Market and hanging out at home and around Madison. :) On Friday night, we also hosted Val& Steve's friends, Fred, Jill and baby Sam (who is about 9 months like baby Liam). We all went to the Madison Farmers Market which was amazing (Fresh fruit, veggies, flowers, and the famous Spicey Cheese Bread :)--) and surrounds Madison's capital. It has been voted the best farmer's market in the United States...and it's every Saturday here in the summer... :)!!! On Saturday night when Doug returned from an exhausting day at Kellogg (as he had FINALS--yuck), we celebrated Valerie's belated birthday. Her actual birthday is June 6, but better late than never. Happy Birthday Val!!!!!!!

AND, this morning we were able to say Happy Father's Day to Steve on his first Father's Day (being a Dad) ever!!!! Needless to say.....There was a lot of cake to go around this weekend... :)

Since Doug just had finals, he has a weekend off from Kellogg and we are SO SO excited. We are going to have a whole lot more time to spend together this weekend...YAY!

Here are some pictures from the weekend (above)--ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Meaghan W. said...

Hey Katie,

Ella is Molly's daughter...about 18 months old and a handful, but she is such a cutie. As is your nephew! I love the name Liam...and look at those eyes! Adorable!