Monday, August 25, 2008

Miss America!!!

Miss America in her crown. :)
Seriously, this is what she does ALL day --LOL
Laying on Doug :)

Being Miss America is hard work people (wink wink) .....isn't she a cutie?!

I hope everyone had an AWESOME weekend!!   After Doug's class on Saturday, Doug and I had an awesome weekend sleeping in, going to the beach, eating sushi downtown outside (love eating outside) and then adopting a KITTY.  Yep, we have been talking about adding an animal addition to our family.  As some of you know we ALMOST adopted an English Bulldog a few weeks ago, but decided that our busy lifestyle is not a good combination with taking care of a dog.  And, we just really loved this cat we saw at the adoption shelter.   It was important to us to adopt our pet from shelter...there are a lot of animals who need homes.  Anyway, we love her, but we haven't named her quite yet....can't decide. I am thinking of calling her "Miss America" (wink wink),  and Doug is not so fond of that name--LOL. Although.....I already taught her to say "WORLD PEACE" --LOL.  Seriously though,  please let us know if you have any good suggestions!
 Overall, our lovely unnamed KITTY, currently called Miss America, is fabulous....she just loves LOVES to be held and to relax.  Her favorite thing is to lay on Doug's stomach/chest.  She's a cutie and pretty funny.   Here are some pictures. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Kate :)
"...Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40:30-31



Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh! She totally looks like VIvian, my cat! SOOO CUTE!!!

Kimberly said...

You should name her Vivian. She really looks like the Kerrrigan's cat!!!!

Kate said...

Haha...that's pretty funny. I have never been an animal person, but I like her. She is super cuddly and very funny. I remember liking Vivian it must be their breed. Yeah, Doug likes names like "Bonkers" and like names like Gwenyth So, we'll see what we come up with. :)
Thanks for your imput. P.S. I do LOVE the name Vivian though, call her Vivi :)