Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're Home from South Florida!!!

There must be quite a few things that a hot bath and rest won't cure, but I don't know many of them.
~Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Hello Everyone!

Doug and I arrived home yesterday (actually, this morning!) After one boat ride (from Captiva to Pine Island), two car rides (to and from airports) and three planes (yes, three!), Doug and I finally made it home at 2 a.m. this morning (delayed flights due to weather and ice on the planes--fun, eh??!). We had an AMAZING time in North Captiva. The weather was STELLAR, beaches were simply stunning, and Doug and I had a BLAST together....laughing, laying out on the beach (at least 6 hours a day!), going back to the beach for sunsets and back to the beach again for late night walks with cigars in hand (the ocean is full of so much mystery at that). Overall, our time was full of reflecting, resting, talking, laughing, DANCING (of course!) , reading, a morning run ( these especially on the beach). I also saw DOLFINS on the boat ride (which was very cool for me, an "old hat" for Doug--LOL). We were so grateful that we had this opportunity to go and was a beautiful time and vacation. :) we are back at REALITY (oh, yes). After getting in the wee hours of this morning, I had to get up for a 7:30 a.m. meeting this morning with our company business consultant, Doug is finishing up a big game at his work and is planning on working at least 14 hour days/6 days/week for the next month, and Doug starts back at Northwestern (Kellogg) this Saturday (seriously, that man is amazing....I don't know how he gives so much to work and this MBA program and still have the positive attitude he does). Not to mention....laundry (lots of sandy clothes), putting away our Christmas tree and decorations, mail, etc. (you name it). The intensity of the next few months with work and Doug's MBA program made this vacation even more special, NEEDED, and appreciated.

Special gratitude, love and hugs again to Mike & Marcia who not only let us use their second home is Captiva (it was so lovely!), but whom also personally boated us across from Island to Island and picked us up and dropped us off at the airport (in STYLE, I might add :) ). Thank you again Mike & Marcia--we had a GREAT time with you guys and love you both tremendously. We are grateful for you both!

Lastly, I took about 270 photos (yep! I LOVE my new camera). So, I will post about 10 or so later today or tomorrow. If you are on facebook, I am sure I will post an album or two in the next few days, so...if you are interested....there will be quite a few to look at. :)

Thanks to our family and friends for your prayers for a wonderful trip (it was) and for looking after our home while we were gone. Special thanks to Adele & K.C. for dropping by our home during the week to take care of Bitty (our expressive funny cat). Adele and K.C., thank you so much for your time and everything! K.C., you were right about the ice on our driveway...the first thing I did when I got out of the car at home slip and fall on the 2 a.m............with gold sparkly t-strap sandals still on my feet (not on purpose, I forgot to pack my closed toe shoes in my carry on--lol).

Back in Madison and back at work...Hugs & Love,
Kate :)

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